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Indian polity mock test
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Budget 2024-25
17 September 2024 Current Affairs quiz
West Bengal Panchayat Model Question Set 1
West Bengal police mini mock test
Quant Questions for Banking Exams Free Mock Test
Mini Mock Test for Banking Exams
West Bengal Police Mini Mock Test (Bengali)
SET Model question paper 1
West Bengal police (General Science Chemistry)
West Bengal police (General Awareness)
West Bengal police (English)
West Bengal police (General Mental Ability)
west Bengal police math
English- Error Correction
Voice – Passive to Active set 2
Voice – Active to Passive
Speech – Direct to Indirect
English (Fill in the blanks)
Role of West Bengal in National Movement
Transport, Census Data and Boundaries of West Bengal
Mineral and Energy Resources of West Bengal
River system of West Bengal
Physiographic division of West Bengal
Physiographic division of West Bengal
Ancient and Medieval History of West Bengal
Indian Geography (Demography and Census)
Modern India (Post Independence Events)
Modern India: (Role of Press and Publications)
Modern India (Congress Sessions)
Modern India: National movement (1919 – 1939)
General Knowledge set 1
Modern India (National movement 1885 – 1919)
Modern India (Growth of Political Ideas Organisations)
Modern India (Revolt of 1857 and Aftermath)
Modern India (India under East India Company’s Rule)
Modern India (Consolidation of British Power) set 1
Modern India (Consolidation of British Power) set 2
Art and Culture (Culture of India)
Art and Culture: Art & Culture (Performing Arts)
Art and Culture: Art & Architecture (Visual Arts)
Medieval India (Southern Dynasties)
Medieval India (Regional Kingdom)
Arithmetic (Surds & Indices)
Arithmetic (Divisibility & Remainder)
Arithmetic (Ages)
Arithmetic (Fraction)
Arithmetic (Time & Work)
Arithmetic (Number System)
Arithmetic (Mixture Problems)
Arithmetic (LCM & HCF)
Current Affairs (Agreements & Summits)
Static GK (Latitude and Longitude)
Static GK (Indian Organizations)
Static GK (India & World)
Static GK (World Organization)
World Geography (Physiography of World)
Indian Geography (Human Geography)
Geography (Earth & Its Structure)
Modern History (Congress Sessions)
Medieval History (Travellers of Medieval India)
Art and Culture (Temple Architecture)
Ancient History (Travellers in Ancient India)
Ancient History (Harshavardhana)
Chemistry (Hydrocarbons)
Physics (Physical Quantities)
Physics (Magnetism)
Physics (Forces)
Physics (Motion)
Biology (Biodiversity)
Biology (Reproductive System)
Biology (Ecology)
Biology (Nervous System)
Biology (Photosynthesis)
Biology (Biomolecules)
Current Affairs (Awards & Honours)
Current Affairs (Government Policies & Schemes)
General Science (Chemistry in Everyday Life)
General Science (Structure of Atom)
General Science (Periodic Table)
General Science (Basic Concepts of Chemistry)
General Science (Human Diseases)
General science (scientific names)
General science ( Animal kingdom)
General science ( cell structure)
General science (wave)
General science (Optics)
General science (Units and dimensional)
Logical Reasoning (miscellaneous)
Logical Reasoning (Series)
Logical Reasoning (Coded Logic)
Logical Reasoning (Data Sufficiency)
Logical Reasoning (Mirror Image)
Logical Reasoning (Calendar)
Logical Reasoning (Clock)
Logical Reasoning (Ordering and Ranking)
Logical Reasoning (Situational Awareness)
Logical Reasoning (Blood Relations)
Logical Reasoning (Syllogism)
Logical Reasoning (Arrangement and Pattern)
Logical Reasoning (Analogy)
Logical Reasoning (Alphabet or Word Test)
Logical Reasoning (Direction and Distance)
Logical Reasoning (Verbal Reasoning) set 2
Logical Reasoning (Verbal Reasoning)
Logical Reasoning (Puzzle) set 2
Logical Reasoning (Puzzle) set 1
Logical Reasoning (Seating Arrangement)
Logical Reasoning (Coding Decoding)
Logical Reasoning (Missing Number)
Logical Reasoning (Number Series)
Logical Reasoning (Alphabet Series)
Arithmetic (Mensuration)
Arithmetic (Compound Interest)
Arithmetic (Simple Interest)
Arithmetic (Partnership)
Arithmetic (Discount and MRP)
Arithmetic (Profit and Loss)
Arithmetic (Problems on Ages)
Arithmetic (Pipes and Cistern)
Arithmetic (Time and Work)
Arithmetic (Problems on Trains)
Arithmetic (Speed Time and Distance)
Arithmetic (Mixture and Alligation)
Arithmetic (Ratio and Proportion)
Arithmetic (Average)
Arithmetic (Percentage)
Arithmetic (Cubes and Cube Root)
Arithmetic (Squares and Square Root)
Arithmetic (Simplification)
General Studies (Introduction to Computer)
General Studies (Dance Forms)
General Studies (Fairs and Festivals)
General Studies (Important Abbreviations)
General Studies (Famous Places)
General Studies (Important Personalities)
General Studies (Days and Events)
General Studies (Capitals and Currencies)
General Studies (Sports)
Indian Economy (National Income)
Static GK (Committees and recommendations)
General Studies (Books and Authors)
General Studies (Defence)
General Studies (Committees and Recommendations)
General Studies (Awards and Honours)
General Studies (Architecture)
General Studies (Art and Culture)
Indian Economy (Initiatives by Government)
Indian Economy (Government Schemes and Policies)
Indian Economy (Inflation)
Indian Economy (Government Planing and Reforms)
General knowledge practice set
Indian Economy: (Agriculture, Industrial Sector and Infrastructure)
Indian Economy (Money & Banking)
Indian Economy (Poverty & Unemployment)
Indian Economy (Planning & Development)
Indian Polity (Important Acts)
Indian Polity (Important Schedules )
Indian Polity (Important Amendments)
Indian Polity (Important Articles)
Indian Polity (Election নির্বাচন)
Indian Polity (Judiciary বিচার বিভাগ)
Indian Polity (Non-Constitutional Bodies অ-সংবিধানিক সংস্থা)
Indian Polity (Constitutional Bodies সাংবিধানিক সংস্থা)
Indian Polity (Local Government স্থানীয় সরকার)
Indian Polity (Union and States কেন্দ্র এবং রাজ্য)
Indian Polity (Fundamental Rights and DPSP মৌলিক অধিকার এবং রাষ্ট্রীয় নীতির নির্দেশমূলক নীতি)
Indian Polity (Making of Constitution সংবিধান তৈরি)
Indian geography (Drainage System | নিষ্কাশন ব্যবস্থা)
Indian geography (National parks | জাতীয় উদ্যান)
Indian geography (Wildlife sanctuaries | বন্যপ্রাণী অভয়ারণ্য)
Indian geography (Indian forest and vegetation | ভারতীয় বন এবং গাছপালা)
Indian geography (Transport and communication |পরিবহন এবং যোগাযোগ)
Indian Geography (Minerals and natural resources | খনিজ ও প্রাকৃতিক সম্পদ)
Indian Geography (Agriculture | কৃষি)
Indian geography (soil মাটি)
Indian geography (Physiography of India)
Geography (River, Lakes and straits | নদী, হ্রদ এবং প্রণালী )
Geography (oceanography সমুদ্রবিদ্যা)
Geography ( Climatology | জলবায়ুবিদ্যা)
Geography (Minerals & Rocks | খনিজ এবং শিলা)
Geography (Origin and Evolution উৎপত্তি এবং বিবর্তন)
Geography (The earth and its structure পৃথিবী এবং এর গঠন)
Moden indian history (National movement post 1942 | 1942 পরবর্তী জাতীয় আন্দোলন)
Moden Indian history (post-independence events স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী ঘটনা)
Moden history (Important personality গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ব্যক্তিত্ব)
Modern history (Partition of Bengal বঙ্গভঙ্গ)
Moden history (Revolt of 1857 ||1857 সালের মহাবিদ্রোহ ||)
Moden history (Socio religious reforms সামাজিক ধর্মীয় সংস্কার)
Modern Indian history (Tribal &peasant uprisings আদিবাসী ও কৃষক বিদ্রোহ)
Modern indian history (British expansion policy ব্রিটিশ সম্প্রসারণ নীতি)
Modern indian history (advent of europeans ইউরোপীয়দের আবির্ভাব)
medieval History (Bhakti Movement মধ্যযুগীয় ইতিহাস ভক্তি আন্দোলন)
Medieval History (Delhi Sultanate || দিল্লি সালতানাত || )
Medieval History (Mughals Empire মুঘল সাম্রাজ্য) mock test
Ancient History (Gupta Dynasty গুপ্ত রাজবংশ) mock test
Ancient History (Buddhism and Jainism বৌদ্ধ ও জৈন ধর্ম )
Ancient History (Indus Valley Civilization সিন্ধু উপত্যকা সভ্যতা ) mock test
Ancient History mock test (Maurya dynasty)
General knowledge India and Neighborhood Bhutan (English)
General knowledge India and Neighborhood (Bengali)
West Bengal police General knowledge (English)
West Bengal police mock test math (Bengali)
General knowledge INDIA and neighbor (Bengali)
West Bengal police Geography mock test
English grammar quiz set
General English Mock test set
SSC MTS Model question paper
International relation GK mock test
GK Quiz on Neighboring Countries set 2
Logical reasoning quiz for west Bengal police exam
GK Quiz on Neighboring countries set 1
Geography of kolkata and neighborhood
SSC MTS model question set 1
PSC model test paper 2
PSC model paper set 1
Bengali psc quiz
Mock Test