On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 2004?
To determine the day of the week on 8th February 2004, given that 8th February 2005 was a Tuesday, we follow these steps:
Step 1: Check if 2004 was a Leap Year
2004 was a leap year (divisible by 4).
Leap years have 366 days, meaning they have 2 odd days (since 366 ÷ 7 leaves a remainder of 2).
Step 2: Count Back to 8th February 2004
Since 2004 was a leap year, it had 2 extra days compared to a normal year.
Moving back one year (from 2005 to 2004) means we subtract 2 days from Tuesday.
Step 3: Calculate the Day of the Week
8th February 2005 was a Tuesday.
Subtracting 2 days (because 2004 was a leap year):
Monday → Sunday → Saturday
Final Answer:
The day on 8th February 2004 was Sunday.